» Jeff Tenenbaum
Should Your Chapters Sign A COVID-19 Waiver?
October 14, 2020
Generally speaking, no, according to attorney Jeffrey Tenenbaum of the Tenenbaum Law Group. Waivers “cannot hurt the association from a legal risk management perspective,” and requiring a waiver will likely help the organization, Tenenbaum wrote…
Associations Seek to Navigate UBIT and Virtual Trade Shows
September 24, 2020
“While it is unclear how the IRS may apply its 16-year-old guidance to the modern-day virtual trade show and whether its guidance today might be different, taken literally, it would seem a virtual trade show of any kind would not qualify for th…
Unprecedented Leadership During Unprecedented Times
September 17, 2020
Unprecedented Leadership During Unprecedented Times is the focus of the 2020 Association Leadership Forum, created by ASAE, which takes place at PlanetIMEX on Thursday 15 October. The program has been developed to provide high level insights into the…
For Virtual Events, Is UBIT an Issue? You Bet
September 3, 2020
As associations pivot to virtual trade shows, meeting executives must understand how unrelated business income tax regulations now apply to exhibit revenues—and how to adapt sponsorship opportunities to minimize taxation. MeetingsNet
With recovery distant, more groups are discussing mergers
July 24, 2020
Tenenbaum Law Group’s Managing Partner Jeff Tenenbaum is quoted extensively in this article in CEO Update about the uptick in association merger activity during the pandemic. CEO Update
Top Ten Legal Q&A for Association Events in the COVID-19 Era: Strategies for an Evolving Landscape
July 16, 2020
Tenenbaum Law Group Managing Partner Jeff Tenenbaum’s article, Top 10 Legal Q&A for Association Events in the COVID-19 Era: Strategies for an Evolving Landscape, published in AMC Institute’s Money Matters newsletter AMC Institute’s Money Ma…
Real Strategies to Manage COVID Risk
June 23, 2020
TLG Managing Partner Jeff Tenenbaum was interviewed by the Michigan Society of Association Executives’ President & CEO Donna Oser for an hour, addressing a wide array of COVID-related legal issues facing associations these days.
Pandemic taking an ax to association revenue, staff and pay
April 24, 2020
Attorney Jeff Tenenbaum, with Tenenbaum Law Group, who represents both boards and executives in employment matters, said he has not seen contract renegotiations yet, but expects to. “What I could see, if I was representing the executive, is kind of…
So You Have to Negotiate a Major Event Cancellation...
April 16, 2020
Jeffrey Tenenbaum, managing partner at the law firm Tenenbaum Law Group PLLC, was quoted extensively in this article about association meeting cancellations in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in “Negotiations betwe…
How a Medical Society Decides to Cancel a Meeting
March 13, 2020
Jeffrey Tenenbaum, managing partner at the law firm Tenenbaum Law Group PLLC, was quoted in this article in Medscape Medical News: “Another factor many professional societies face is the specter of large cancellation fees from the hotels and conven…